For Sale: An Eagle blow-filler (?) fountain pen for parts

20200325_164232Here’s an Eagle fountain pen, made in the 1915-20 era, in poor condition, but with some good parts for someone interested.

The barrel and cap are made of brass. The barrel is covered in chased black enamel in quite good condition. The end of the barrel has an opening that must have been for use as a blow-filler, a type that was fairly common in that era.

The cap slips onto the barrel, covering the nib and section. It has the remains of a black coating, but there is no evidence of any chasing like the barrel. The cap bears this imprint: “Eagle Pencil Co. New York PAT JAN 28, 1913”

The nib appears to be gold and bears the imprint “1455.”

Inside the barrel there is the remains of what I assume was the ink sac. It is quite fragile, but several large pieces survive.

When capped, the pen measures about 5 1/4″ long.

I am open to offers. If you are interested, please contact me at

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